Friday, September 28, 2007

Inauguration Day !!

Tomorrow, Saturday, is the official inaguration day of La Voz Lenca. Even though we're 2500 miles away, I'm planning a bit of a celebration myself. Here's the word from Refugio --

Aquí el sábado es la inauguración de Radio La Voz Lenca AM. Ahorita hay
una jornada previa de capacitación para corresponsales comunitarios del
proyecto de comunicación popular del Copinh y de Radio La Voz Lenca,
además hay un pequeño encuentro de radios comunitarias de Honduras. El
remate es la fiesta de inauguración el sábado por la tarde.
Compraron una vaca, que se comerán asada, la muy pobre.

Well, no carne asada here, but I'm planning to play a bit of music from La Voz Lenca anyway. (There's a retreat at the Kalyx Center, so I can't go far astray.)

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to Ben's house last night to see some scenes from the Lenca Radio Project and to eat some fine food. Thanks much also to Ben and Zelda for putting it together, and to all the folks who made yummy food and donated money to help cover the costs of the project, and to Jane for having a birthday to add to the merriment.

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