Sunday, November 04, 2007

Back in La Esperanza

Sorry to be so long in writing stuff to the blog. I've been here in La Esperanza for about 1 week, but what with power outages, and rain blocking off the satellite internet reception, it's been hard to get a chance to upload stuff.

The weather here is cold [for here] -- 50 degree days, and nights probably into the lower 40's, but rainy and raw. It seems pretty cold, since none of the buildings have heat, and some are "well ventilated" to boot. The people are warm and it's really good to be back with these folks.

Right after I arrived, there was a "taller" or workshop, on organizational internal structuring and politics, part of a four session series, given by a group from Tegucigalpa and held at Utopia. Though I was doing other things, I got to enjoy great food and conversation during their breaks. [Ever tried tortillas broken up and soaked in coffee with milk and sugar? It's a strange combination, but it works! -- Kinda like rosquias, says the woman who demonstrated the delicacy. I guess I have to cultivate that taste.]

I've brought a lot of small parts and new test equipment this time which make it possible to upgrade parts of the transmitters and antenna system which need improvement. The AM station has been operating at somewhat lower power than it's licensed for, so I want to get that up to full power and make it reliable enough to run a good long time without problems.

I've rebuilt the antenna tuning unit, but it's either been really rainy or the power's been off, so I haven't been able to use the snazzy new antenna analyzer which Gray Haertig has loaned us, except to do initial checks on the tuning. Even so, that's helped a lot.

That's it till later. Peace, Bill

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