Saturday, June 02, 2007

Hi Folks,

Watch for some changes in this site as we get the nuts ands bolts of it sorted out.

Right now, though, here's some nuts and bolts of our own:

A huge, urgent need: We got a very generous donation to buy a schoolbus to get all of the stuff for this project to Honduras, where the bus will left for the use of the Lencas, but we need someone with a commercial driver's license (CDL) to drive it. First, it needs to be driven from Kankakee to Monticello so it can be loaded for the trip, and then on about June 22, we go to Honduras, and need a driver at least as far as Mexico, and maybe the length of Mexico as well. Any CDLees out there?

We're also looking for a whole big gob of wire to make the ground plane of the vertical tower antenna we're building. We need bare wire, not necessarily new, and we need about 2 1/2 miles of it. So far, we've gotten a donation of 900 feet, so we only need 12,600 feet more. This stuff is HEAVY - about 300 lbs. if we get all 12 gauge wire, almost 700 lbs. at 8 gauge, so the extra weight on the bus is an important consideration. Nevertheless, this stuff is really expensive if bought at currently inflated, war caused scarcity prices. (315 feet just sold on eBay for over $100 with shipping.) Anybody have copper wire connections?

Peace, Bill

1 comment:

Bill Taylor said...

Wonderful! John Bailey has volunteered to drive the bus to the farm near Monticello from Kankakee. Now just 3500 miles to go......